+20 best blogging tips so your blog will succeed

First of all, if you still don’t have your blog up and running – here is my 2.95$ special price for domain+hosting+ installation of WordPress.

If you are just getting started and wants to know how to start a blog – read this.

About blogging tips – You can google this and google that but there are so many bloggers advicing… This is my 20 best blogging tips I can provide and not waste your time.

so.. you’ve just brought your blog or site to a live version. Google just started indexing your website or blog, and you want the traffic to sky rocket and to rank high on google. What are your chances to succeed? Well, it depends. On what? keep on reading mate.

+20 best blogging tips to succeed with your blog

One of my best blogging tips is that you should Be smart. yep. You heard me. You will succeed if you act smart. Not if you have the greatest motivation. Motivation is not the winning factor when it comes to blogging. you need to be smart and to act smart with your blogging efforts. What do I mean? keep reading.

#1 Get automated digital marketing tools to comply with my best blogging tips

Bloggers with big motivation write and write and write all day long. I know. You have a lot to say to the world (as the initial wordpress blogging writes in the demo post: “hello world”), but this will take you no where. seriously. It can be nice to get small amount of traffic from your great content. but you will not grow big with this. You will find yourself writing all day long. no growing will take place because you will spend all your precious (really, time is the most precious thing on the planet for a human) on blog posts which may not be accurate to bringing a lot of traffic. You need Automation great SEO tools that will make your blog posts smarter.

i’m talking about tools like SEMRUSH that provides with insights about competitors blogs. The automated digital tools that you will use, will supply you with understanding on what to write, according to the competition on specific search terms. You need these insights, otherwise, it’s like driving with your eyes closed. You need to understand what’s going on in the niche of your blog. Let’s say you blog about designing – you need to know all the best (and the less familier) blogs that run the show in SERP(search engine results). You need to see on which search terms your competitors are getting traffic for example. You need to see their link building strategy (I suggest you use Majestic Seo tool to do that).

#2 Get SEM RUSH or it’s equivalent

Honestly, it’s the best digital marketing software I know of, according to 2020. If it’s expensive for you or you prefer to use a different digital marketing tool that supplies with the same insights – go ahead. But, please use something that will tell you all about your competitors. Your ranking. Your activities all stuffed into one place. it’s crucial. Get an sem rush free trial here

#3 Get Majestic or it’s equivalent

Understanding your competitors and their link building strategy is crucial. Do not pass on this important factor. It’s true that it’s expensive, but it’s priceless in the money it will bring back to you. If you use majestic and it’s insights, and you act upon it, you will drive more traffic to your website which will result in more money from your website or blog. Traffic means money. You need more traffic. That’s why you need majestic. To build linking strategy that will bring more money to your home.

best blogging tips

# 4 Get your friends to read and experience your blog

Let them see your blog. let them read your content. Ask them how was their expeience. Google likes to rank high website or blogs that provides with the best user experience. Your friends is a good place to start collecting data from. (once you blog has more readers you can upload a quick survey and ask them about their experience).

#5 Get your friends to promote your content

When writing about best tips for bloggin I must tell you this one. If your blog supplies with good and quality content, let your friends read and spread out your blog. it’s no shame to tell them you started a new blog. it’s actually quite a must. If you are embarrassed at your blog of content – make it better but don’t hide.

best blogging tips

#6 Subscribe to other blogs in your content niche

Subscribe to important bloggers. Read what they are saying. See what they are doing. what kind of offers they earn money from. Not looking at your competitors or other blogs in your niche is again, like driving with your eyes closed! don’t do it. It’s not smart – and we said in the beginning of this post that whoever is smart – gets all the glory. Be smart and buy SEM RUSH right now.

best blogging advice

#7 Put a get your free tutorial here in a pop up or across your blog

This one is a must have. all the bloggers does that. All the users love that. Free content is always great to have. Free stuff are the best for your users, and it’s the best for you, because your users will get your tutorials which will make you an authority in the niche (if you’re good of course). If your tutorial in not the best – do no even consider publishing it. Put it in a pop up or on your side bar (or both!) don’t have a blog yet? here you can get my 2.95$ special price for domain+hosting+installation of wordpress – get in

best blogging tips

One of My best of the best blogging tips:Supply with the best content you can as a blogger

#8 Write short Sententces

Remember, your user experience is the number one thing for Google to rank you. If you want the love of googe, and their traffic – you must supply with a great user experience. Like in this paragraph.

#9 Write like you think

don’t try to over analyze it. Just write what you have in your mind. Don’t think that you need to erase and write again each sentence that comes out of your head. You’re great. Keep writing and don’t look back!

#10 Appealing post names

When you read the newspaper you choose what to read according to the headlines right? You will not start to read an article that it’s headline sounds like a boring one, or something that will not give you any value. The same with blogging. Give your posts great headlines! nothing less!

#11 Appealing H2, H3

The same here. Once people are inside your blog post your goal is to make them stay as long as you can. Another important thing is that they will not be considered as a bounce rate visit; You will achieve that by having great h2, h3 tags and headlines. What are good h2, h3? interesting ones, that say something about the value which you’re going to bring to the reader.

#12 Best blogging tips – Publish on a daily basis

My best tips for blogging are a lot – but this one is crucial. You must publish things on your blog on a daily basis. At least twice or three times a week. Your readers must see that your blog is updated all the time. By the way, Google’s bots must see you are refreshing the website constantly also. Otherwise, they will not come crawling your website regularly – which can result in low traffic volume from search engines. That’s a bit bad. Do your best to publish every day or 2-3 times a week at least. Still not sure what to blog about? read my post on how to start blogging?

#13 Get in touch with other bloggers in your niche

This is a must. If something is a must is this one. You should get in touch with other bloggers in your content scene. Why? for the reason in the next advice – keep reading.

# 14 host yourself at other bloggers posts

you should get in touch with other bloggers so you can post as a guest in their blogs. A great way to get traffic to your site would be to supply with a great article to a blog with a lot of readers and traffic. You will get authority and traffic at the same time. It’s the best.v

#15 Apply to news websites and offer your content for free

If you apply to news websites, or blogs, and offer to write about “something new” in your niche it can definitely work. Offer new content, something fresh and news website will accept it. I tried it before. it works (if your content is high value content of course).

#16 be nice and leave your ego aside!

you’re new. Act like you’re new. And you know what? even if you’ve been for awhile in the blogging business – be modest. Leave your ego aside. It will only bother you and make you fail or loose. When you apply to other websites and offer you content – be nice. Smile and be happy (even if it’s only in the mail – they can detect your wibe with no effort).

best blogging tips

#17 do not be afraid to loose

You don’t have anything to loose. Do not hesitate to offer your content to other websites. no matter if you’re a beginner or a savvy wild animal across the web. you can only benefit from the traffic and the buzz it will supply to you.

#18 be consistent, do not give up until results arrive

don’t stop. Even if there are no results at the beginning. Most bloggers don’t stay consistent because they do not see results fast. You should out bit them and stay strong until results will arrive. I tell you that if you keep the good work and generate great content the work will pay off. Stay consistent and keep thinking about content and how to create it.

#19 Do no delete any content ever from your blog!

Even if you are in the blogging scene for awhile and all of a sudden you see old posts of yours in your blog. you feel that “they are old” and do not represent who you are today – never erase them! it may be that they are very appealing to your users. Another thing is that this content can be very usefull to some people. It can also be that some search traffic is coming from these posts, or that someone linked to one of these posts and it’s an important link for your website or blog. Be careful and never delete content from your site. It can only bring bad results. Nothing you can gain from it. here is my 2.95$ special price for domain+hosting+ installation of WordPress for your blog.

#20 Listen to your own advice and believe in yourself

Only you know how much value you can offer to your readers. Do not be panicked when your friends tell you – “how much can you even make with this blog shit”? don’t listen. If you believe in yourself and in your content – revenue will come. I promise. It’s only a matter of consistency and your time. Be consistent, give your time. Put your best effort in supplying with the best posts you can.

#21 Bonus! Write like your’e writing a post that in now going to be published at the daily tribune or at the New York Times!

Write it like 40,000,000 million people are going to read it! That’s the only way to become great!

#22 best blogging tips: try to say yes to offers

someone wrote you an e-mail asking to post on your blog? great! it’s an opportunity to get free content for your blog. Don’t think bad about opportunities that come to your space. here’s one – here is my 2.95$ special price for domain+hosting+ installation of WordPress.

Be kind and pleasant

Someone asked a question on your blog or facebook page? answer as nicely as you can. Again, it’s an opportunity to be remembered as the great person from blog XXXXX….. You should always keep in mind that the world is small.

My best blogging tip: Do great SEO!

on this post, I wrote on how to get ranked high by Google. This is the number one tip I can give you! Do great SEO. Read about my 4 favorite SEO tools or about my best SEO tip for 2020

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