PPC Campaign – Google, Facebook or Instagram?

So…Either you are a digital or campaign manager working for someone, or you decided on a product you would like to promote as an affiliate marketer. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you should now decide where to put your money (or your employers money) in the digital arena.

Where is your Audience?

First thing you should be asking yourself is “where is my audience”? If youre audience is at facebook (let’s say people over 28-30) and you can target them easily on facebook (for example – parents to a first child, married couples, people who are planning a trip and etc.) then you should of course go for Facebook. If you’re audience is relatively young (let’s say 18-24) you should definitely consider Instagram.

limited budget? Then you should be smart

If you’re on a limited budget, as I assume you are, you need to get results and fast. If you’re an employee you must show your boss you know what you are doing. There for I would go for digital media channels that would not spend my money fast, and bring results. That’s why I would, instinctively would not go for GDN because it’s a very expensive media. GDN is great for “marking” your audience for later remarketing but not my first choise. If your budget is large, combine GDN as well, but if not – choose the platform that will supply with leads or sales fast.

I almost always combine Search campaigns in my digital marketing budget. Why? because it mostly brings a nice ROI, and using the right keywords, I am bringing very “cooked” people that have buying intentions. Therefore, the google search campaigns is relatively successful – because you can use keywordes that people are actually looking for. Unlike Facebook, or GDN.

To conclude, the answer to the question “where to put the money of the campaign” should be answered by 2 simple questions: 1. Where is the audience at”? 2. Is my budget small, medium or large? 3. Do I want to “mark” the audience and continue their journey later or I want results and fast.

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