What is the #1 factor for succeeding with affiliate marketing?

succeeding with afflliate marketing

Number one factor for success in affiliate marketing is your desire to stick to it. Affiliate marketing requires patience and persistence.

Number one factor for succeeding with affiliate marketing – your persistence

You must be persistent. You need to count on yourself that you’ll succeed eventually. It’s hard doing that when you put in hard work, and see no results. I know, and I get it. I felt like this for 6 months before I started earning money from my affiliate venture.

Your friends will ask you “what are you doing all day long”?

Your friends will as you “what you’re doing all day long”? some of them will maybe disrespect you and your efforts. That’s all fine. You need to ignore them, and talk to them when the money comes. They won’t laugh when that happens, and it will. If you stick to it.

Ignore everybody – stick to your affiliate marketing plan

I swear to god, when you stick to it – it’s happening. If you will put all your effort into it – it will succeed. That’s what I did when I first started. Be strong enough to stand against people around you when they will not understand what is it that you do all day. It doesn’t matter if it’s your mother, father, brother, friends or cousins. Whatever. Stick to your thing, and don’t let go. It’s the only way to be making money with affiliate marketing. Be persistent and patient.

Don’t worry about making money – you will make it eventually

don’t think about the money. If you only think about the money – it doesn’t come. Think about value for your readers (if you do your affiliate marketing profit through a blog) or think about the value you bring to the people who see your ad, or landing page. Focus only on that. The rest will follow. I promise.

For the best affiliate program I know – click here

Do you must have a website in order to succeed with affiliate marketing?

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